My Crisis…

Do you ever start doing something and then realise it’s not what you want? because same.

Yesterday I woke up and realised that I don’t want to be a journalist, which is a bit of an issue considering I’m doing a Journalism degree.

Don’t get me wrong, parts of Journalism really excite me, but government scandals like Watergate are few and far between and I don’t really want to spend my life writing about local car thefts and Parish arguments.

I have a lot of respect for people who pursue a career in journalism because it’s hard and not always fun and exciting. Although, I don’t think that any job is.

However, this was a real dilemma for me because what do I want to do now? I’m not going to lie, I had a bit of a cry and a breakdown over it because it’s scary not knowing where your life is going.

Don’t worry though, because after my cry, I got myself together and calmed down. Now I’m thinking about a career in PR, I’m not too sure why but it seems like something I might enjoy.

Sometimes it’s okay to not know what you want to do. It doesn’t really matter as long as you’re happy. Honestly, no one really knows what’s going on or what they’re doing with their lives, so I’m just going to keep muddling through until I find something I love.

Maybe my passion for PR will stick or maybe it will fade, like my passion for journalism. Only time will tell, but for now I’m happy.

Love, Kitty



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